Welcome to the MMFN Social Development Department
Welcome to Social Development Services!
We support our community by delivering
community based programs that strengthen
families and empower individuals to achieve
their life and/or career goals.
As part of our services, we collaborate with the
Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council (NTC) to provide
training and support for workers in participating
First Nations to assist them in administering
Income Assistance benefits.
All Client Files are held with strict confidentiality.
Services Provided
- Income Support
- Income Assistance
- Utility Support
- Funeral Assistance
Social Development Services supports the
delivery of community-based programs that
strengthen community families and empower
individuals to achieve their life and /or career
There are proposal-driven programs such as:
- Family Violence Prevention Program
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Can I earn extra money while on income
A: You can pick up an Incentive Hours
timesheet from the social development
office. This is money that can be earned on
top of income assistance.
Social Development Manager: social.dev@yuquot.ca