Welcome to the MMFN Housing Department
Welcome to the Housing Department of
Mowachaht/Muchalaht First Nation. We are
responsible for managing all of the properties
owned by the Nation.
We work hard to ensure that they are well
maintained and provide a comfortable living
space for our community members.
Welcome to the MMFN Public Works Department
Welcome to the MMFN Public Works Department.
Our dedicated team cares for and manages all
band-owned facilities and infrastructure
throughout the community.
Housing Downloads
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Renovations – how can I get my house fixed?
A: Homeowners are responsible for their own repairs and maintenance. Housing will assist with grant application for repairs and maintenance at the beginning of the new fiscal year, if requested.
Q: Who do I talk to regarding housing rents or other questions I may have?
A: Questions should be directed to the Housing Manager and the Housing Committee.
Housing Manager: housing.mgr@yuquot.ca
Housing Coordinator: housingcoord@yuquot.ca
O&M Coordinator: omcoordinator@yuquot.ca